The beauty industry is a complex one, with products and procedures to suit every taste and budget. But what about all those myths that keep popping up? They’re so widespread that you might think they’re true—and in some cases, they are! But I’m here today to debunk them once and for all: these common beauty myths are just plain wrong…
If a high SPF is good, then a higher one is better.
This is an important point to understand because it can be confusing to see products that claim to have high SPF ratings. For example, one of our favorite sunscreens has a rating of 50 and another has a rating of 30. But which one does a better job of protecting against UVB rays?
The answer depends on what kind of activity you’re doing when exposed to the sun—whether it’s being outdoors for hours on end or simply spending time in direct sunlight at certain times during the day. If you’re active outdoors most days and plan on spending some time out there during peak summer weather (which we’re sure many people do), then a higher SPF number will give you more protection than if your trip involves sitting around inside watching TV or playing video games all day long without getting much done outside other than walking from one place inside your house/apartment complex back home again after work each evening when darkness falls over everything except those lucky enough who live near oceanside communities where there are beaches nearby where folks can paddle kayaks along sandy shores until sunset comes around again tomorrow night!
Sunscreen should be applied once and left alone all day.
The Myth: You should apply sunscreen once and leave it on all day.
The Truth: Sunscreen should be applied 30 minutes before going outside, then reapplied every 2 hours.
Always wash your face before applying moisturizer.
You’ve probably heard that you should wash your face before applying moisturizer, but what exactly does this mean?
The idea behind this myth is that the oil from your skin will prevent the moisturizer from working as well. In reality, this isn’t true at all—you can get just as much benefit from using a moisturizer without washing first by using a clean finger or cotton ball and patting it onto your face like you would if you were applying sunscreen. The only difference between these two methods is one involves water (the other doesn’t), so really neither one is better than the other!
If you want to take advantage of extra hydration through exfoliation first and then apply some cream afterward, go ahead—but don’t let fear stop here! There are plenty of ways to protect yourself from further damage while still getting those benefits from your daily skincare routine: exfoliating with gentle products like sugar scrubs or taking vitamin C supplements have been shown time and time again in scientific studies as effective ways for skin cells breakdown faster under normal circumstances (like after shaving).
The more you exfoliate, the better.
Exfoliation is good for your skin. It’s just too much of it can cause dryness and irritation, though!
If you’re not careful, exfoliating too often can lead to irritation. The best way to get your body ready for a new season is by exfoliating once a week (on Monday). You can use any type of scrub or face wash that suits you best—it doesn’t have to be fancy either! Just remember: make sure the product isn’t too harsh so that you don’t end up with dry patches all over your face.
If you’re feeling adventurous (and like getting down and dirty), try using loofahs or sponges instead of those traditional scrubs; they’ll give off more intense results than just rubbing those pads against your face until it looks peachy-fresh again!
Dry skin needs to be moisturized less than oily skin.
If you have dry skin, you may have heard that it needs to be moisturized less than oily skin. This is because the oil glands in your body produce more sebum (the natural oil) as opposed to greasy or thickened sebum. For example, if you are an African-American woman with oily skin and apply a lot of moisturizer on top of it, then the excess oil will simply sit atop the surface of your face and not penetrate very deep into its layers. Your pores will remain clogged up from the overproduction of sebum; this leads to greater breakouts and irritations on the top layers of your epidermis (outermost layer).
However: It’s important not to overlook how much moisture is required by each person regardless if they have dry or oily skin type! While many people believe that only those with dry complexions need more frequent hydrating routines than those with normal/oily ones while others still believe that all types should use any type whatsoever depending upon what season we are living in at present moment – but truthfully there isn’t much difference between them except perhaps during summer months when temperatures rise higher than usual levels due mainly due climate change effects caused by global warming phenomenon happening worldwide today.”
Using more than one product can lead to product buildup and clogged pores, which will cause breakouts.
This is a common misconception among those who are new to skincare routines. When you use two or more products, you must rinse them off promptly so that they don’t mix or build up on top of each other. This can irritate and even clog pores if you don’t take proper care of yourself while using these products!
The same goes for harsh cleansers—they may seem like they’re helping with congestion but they could cause further damage by irritating your skin even more than before!
You can pluck out your gray hairs and they won’t grow back stronger or thicker.
Plucking out your gray hair is a common practice, but it can be ineffective. Gray hair will grow back to its original color and thickness, rather than thinning out. The best way to prevent this is by not plucking at all!
If you do want to remove some or all of your gray hairs, there are other options available: coloring them or using laser treatments.
Dull hair can be brought back to life with a simple hot oil treatment or leave-in conditioner.
- Don’t use hot oil treatment or leave-in conditioner on dry hair.
- Use hot oil treatment or leave-in conditioner on wet hair.
- Use hot oil treatment or leave-in conditioner on dry hair if you have colored hair
If you have bangs, you can’t use dry shampoo on the rest of your hair.
Dry shampoo is a great way to add volume to your hair. It can also help add texture and give your bangs some much-needed life, so if you need some new ideas for how to style them, dry shampoo may be right up your alley!
As long as you use a good quality dry shampoo (and not one that’s going to leave behind an embarrassing residue or other unpleasantness) and keep an eye on how much product goes into each application, it should work just fine on any type of hair—including those covered by bangs.
Nail polish remover doesn’t count as a manicure step, so skip it if you’re short on time.
Nail polish remover is not necessary to remove nail polish and can be avoided altogether. The only reason that most people do this is that they think it’s what their manicurist expects them to do, but no law says you have to follow their lead! If your manicurist tells you she’ll remove her tips with the same product she used on yours (which would be acetone), then by all means go with that plan—but if not, feel free to use whatever method works best for removing any coloration from your nails.
Dark nail polish causes yellow nails, so stick to lighter shades.
Dark nail polish is a popular beauty myth, but it’s not the reason you have yellow nails. Yellowing happens when your skin doesn’t produce enough melanin, which is responsible for giving your nails their color. A fungus or nutrient deficiency can cause this, so if you’re noticing discoloration on your nails, see a doctor to find out what might be causing it!
If you do want to try lightening up your polish color without resorting to chemicals, there are plenty of affordable options available online and in stores near you. You should also remember that sometimes darker shades hide imperfections better than lighter ones do; if this applies to yours (and I’m sorry), then go ahead and give them another chance!
Painting your nails right after you shower can cause bubbles in the polish and lead to chipping.
- Don’t paint your nails right after you shower. It’s best to allow up to 20 minutes for them to dry before applying another coat of nail polish, as this will help prevent bubbles in the polish and lead to chipping.
- Don’t use a hair dryer when drying your nails because heat can damage their surface while they’re still wet with water or other liquids (like lotion). If you do want to speed up the process of drying out your hands and feet, use paper towels instead of cotton balls or cloths because they won’t stick together as much as cotton does when used over wet surfaces like skin or clothes.”
Using body lotion will make your skin look pale by toning down its glow with moisturizer.
The body lotion is not a substitute for sunscreen. It should be used after you apply your sunscreen, as it acts as a moisturizer and can help keep skin hydrated, which in turn helps fight against wrinkles. You should also make sure to apply body lotion to dry skin, as otherwise it will run into the pores of your legs or arms and cause them to become irritated by friction.
Beauty myths are very common, but often wrong.
Not only that but there’s a lot of misinformation out there about beauty and health!
These common beauty myths are not exactly true. They’re just based on some old wives’ tales or bad science. But if we look at the facts, it’s easy to see that many of them are false—not only in terms of the products themselves but also when it comes to their effects on your skin and hair! If you want to get rid of these misconceptions once and for all, consider reading this article next time someone tells you about an important benefit of something like sunscreen or dry shampoo.