The number of calories in food is one of the most important things that determine how much weight you lose or gain when you change your diet. Some people will tell you that all they need to do is cut out all the junk food and eat more fruits and vegetables, while others swear by counting calories. In reality, there’s no “right” way to calculate your daily calorie intake. The solution is simple: listen to what your body tells you it needs and take the guesswork out of this process!

A moderately active man needs about 2,600 total calories per day to maintain his weight.
The average adult male needs about 2,600 calories per day to maintain his weight.
The same is true for women, they typically require about 2,000 calories to maintain their weight.
A moderately active person needs between 2,500 and 3,000 calories per day to maintain their weight.
A person who says they are sedentary gets about 2,500 calories worth of movement every day, even if they don’t exercise.
The average person burns about 2000 calories a day, but that number is misleading. It’s based on the assumption that you’re eating the same amount of food as you did when you were sedentary, which isn’t necessarily true. A person who says they are sedentary gets about 2,500 calories worth of movement every day, even if they don’t exercise.
The body burns calories just to keep itself alive—it doesn’t need to eat as many calories as we think we do. And even if your diet is high in fat and protein (which it shouldn’t be), those macronutrients are still burned up by activity so there aren’t any leftovers for overeating or being lazy with your dieting habits!
Extremely active women can eat up to 2,400 calories or more per day, depending on their exact calorie needs and activity levels.
The range is from 1,600 to 2,400 calories per day.
- The amount of calories you need depends on your activity level and height. If you’re very active and short, you may need fewer calories than if you’re less active and tall. For example: If a 120-pound woman with a 5’10” build has an average daily energy expenditure of 2,200 calories (a pretty low figure), she would probably be fine eating 1,600 or so on most days—and maybe even as low as 1,500 when she’s really hungry! But if this same woman were 6’4″ tall with a similar build but had an average daily energy expenditure of 3,000 calories (a higher figure), then her caloric needs would probably rise by about 200-300 additional calories per day. The key thing here is that all these figures are rough estimates based solely on age/height/weight characteristics; there will always be outliers who require more or less than these numbers suggest depending on their specific circumstances…
Extremely active men can take up 2,800 or more calories per day.
The answer to this question depends on your level of activity. For example, if you’re an extremely active man who works out five days a week and spends most of his time in the gym or playing basketball, then your daily caloric intake should be higher than if you were to spend all day sitting at a desk. A moderately active person may need 2,000-2,500 calories per day to maintain weight while someone who is sedentary only needs 1,500-2,000 calories per day to stay healthy and trim.
If you want to know how many calories are in a pound of fat (the amount used by bodybuilders) then multiply 1 pound by 4 before dividing by 1000; this will give us our estimate for how many total kilocalories there are in our bodies!
A person with an extremely demanding job or who exercises heavily may need more than 8,000 calories per week to maintain a healthy weight.
How many calories do you need to maintain weight? The amount of energy used by the body depends on how much you eat and how active you are. For example, if your daily calorie intake is 2,000 and your activity level is moderate (1-3 days/week), then it would take about 1 lb of fat loss per week to lose 1 lb of fat. The chart below shows different calorie levels at which different amounts of fat loss occur:
There is a huge range in how many calories people eat every day.
People can eat more or less than the average, depending on their genetics and how active they are. A person’s weight also depends on their diet, which is why it’s important to keep track of what you put into your body. If you want to maintain your current weight but don’t know how many calories are right for you, take some time to consider these factors:
- Your age – The amount of time it takes for your body to burn off food depends on how old you are (the older we get, the faster our metabolism becomes). So if someone who weighs 200 pounds at age 20 needs 1,000 more calories per day than they did at age 20 (1), then they’ll need 3 times as much energy (3 x 1) once they reach 40 years old—which happens in about four decades!
- Physical activity level – How much exercise do I get each week? How long does it take me before I feel tired after working out or being active? These all play into how much physical energy my body has left after eating breakfast lunch dinner supper snacks lunch treats dessert snacks treat meal snack drinks water soda milkshakes ice cream dessert sundaes cones float cone float
This article has provided an overview of how many calories you should be eating per day, depending on your activity level and how long you have been sedentary. In general, most people who are moderately active need 2,000 calories per day to maintain their weight while those who are extremely active may need even more than this amount.