Dogs are known for their love of the sun and heat. They can even get itchy skin from being out in the hot sun too long, so it makes sense that they’d be susceptible to heatstroke. But do you know how dangerous this condition is? It’s not just a minor inconvenience; dogs can die from this condition if they don’t get treated quickly enough. If your dog shows signs of heatstroke, here’s what you need to know:
Dogs are susceptible to heatstroke
Dogs are more susceptible to heatstroke than humans, and it’s not just because they don’t have sweat glands. They also have a higher surface area-to-volume ratio than humans. This means that you should be more worried about your dog overheating in hot temperatures than you would be if he were human.
If your dog gets too hot, he might show signs such as panting heavily or having an increased heart rate or body temperature (called hyperthermia). He may begin to sweat heavily but not cool down at all; this is called hypothermia. Severe cases can lead to organ failure and death within a few hours of exposure if left untreated
Heatstroke can be deadly
Heatstroke is a condition that can be life-threatening to dogs and other pets. If you have any questions about the symptoms of heatstroke in your dog, consult with your veterinarian immediately.
Heatstroke occurs when a dog’s body temperature rises above 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius) for too long without being able to cool itself down or lose enough water through sweat to reduce its core temperature. In most cases, dogs will begin showing signs within 30 minutes of exposure; however, they may not show any obvious signs until hours later when their health starts deteriorating rapidly.
Heatstroke happens more often than you think
It’s easy to think that heatstroke only happens in hot, humid climates. While it’s true that dogs are more susceptible to heatstroke than humans, these conditions don’t have to be extreme for your dog to get sick or die from heat exhaustion.
Heatstroke can happen quickly and unexpectedly—even when you’re not expecting it. Your dog may seem fine one minute, then collapse the next. If you notice any of these signs:
- Swollen tongue or gums
- Panting heavily (or not breathing normally)
- Increased body temperature
Don’t wait too long before seeking help!
Most dog owners worry about heatstroke
You may have heard about heatstroke in dogs, but you may not know exactly what it is. Dogs are more susceptible to heatstroke than humans because of their smaller body mass and higher surface area-to-volume ratio. They can also be prone to this condition if left in a car during hot weather conditions—a fact that many dog owners fail to realize.
When your dog becomes overheated, it will pant heavily and start vomiting or become lethargic. Their ears will stand up on their head due to dehydration and mucus production; these symptoms can lead them into shock if not treated immediately by cooling down the animal’s body temperature with cold water or ice packs applied directly onto the skin (this should only take place after consulting with a veterinarian). If left untreated for too long then death could occur within hours!
Some breeds are more prone to heatstroke
Dogs with short muzzles and short noses, as well as very young puppies, dogs with heart conditions, and older dogs can be more susceptible to heatstroke. These breeds include:
- Brachycephalic (short-nosed) breeds such as pugs and Boston terriers
- Short-muzzled breeds like Bulldogs and Mastiffs
- Large-headed dogs like German Shepherds or Newfoundland
You should also be aware that some breeds are more prone to the condition than others. For example:
Heatstroke can happen quickly and unexpectedly
Heatstroke can happen quickly and unexpectedly. It’s not uncommon for dogs to display no signs of heatstroke until it is too late, so you must take action as soon as possible if you suspect your dog has been exposed to high temperatures.
Heatstroke symptoms are similar among all breeds, but some breeds are more susceptible than others. For example:
- Basset hounds (which weigh up to 45 pounds) tend to overheat more quickly than other dog breeds because of their thick fur coat and large body mass; however, any dog can experience heatstroke if they’re out in direct sunlight without adequate shade or water available to them (or both).
Dogs can die from heat stroke. Watch your dog carefully when it’s warm out.
Heatstroke is a deadly condition that can happen fast and without warning. If your dog has been exposed to excessive heat, get them medical care immediately.
If you’re concerned about your pet’s health, watch for signs of overheating:
- The body temperature may be elevated (over 102 degrees) but not yet dangerous; the animal may appear normal and alert as long as it doesn’t lose consciousness or become ill from dehydration or overheating.
- Signs of dehydration include heavy panting, drooling excessively, and becoming less responsive to stimuli such as being touched or picked up by the owner (even if it’s just for a short time).
Dogs are the best animal friends to have. They love us unconditionally and will never ask anything of us but love in return. We owe it to them to take care of them and keep them safe from extreme temperatures that can cause serious illness or even death if left unchecked by their owners.