A case:
I’ve been overweight for most of my life. I’m not just talking about the last few years, either. I have struggled with weight issues since I was a child. I was bullied at school because of my weight and other kids’ comments about me caused me to develop low self-esteem and depression. But then something happened: I got married, had two children, and started having health problems as well as dealing with stress at home due to financial issues that came up unexpectedly during our marriage (and still do). As a result, not only did I gain more weight but also experienced some serious health complications (diabetes type 2, high blood pressure).
Most mornings before going to work my doctor would ask me how much weight had been lost overnight while sleeping in between tests as they didn’t want any further complications happening while testing me again after another big night’s sleep!
I wanted to lose weight.
You may be surprised to hear that I wanted to lose weight because I was tired of being overweight. I knew that if I could get my body into shape, then life would be easier for me and my family.
I also wanted to feel better about myself and have more energy so that I could spend more time with my daughter, who is now five years old and very active. She loves playing outside with her friends in the yard or around the pool at our home in Lubbock Texas!
My husband also agreed with me on this decision as he has been trying his best not only to lose weight but also to stay healthy too! He’s been going for walks every morning before work which helps him burn off some calories without even trying (which is awesome).
But I was scared because I had tried to lose weight before, and nothing worked for me.
So, you’ve tried everything. You’ve done the diets and you’ve done the workouts. You even had a trainer come to your house to help you figure out how to eat better and exercise more (which is why I’m not surprised that he couldn’t help).
But nothing worked for me before. And now I’m scared because I don’t want to go down this road again!
Finally, I reached out and spoke to someone who had the same problem as me but had lost a lot of weight and kept it off.
Finally, I reached out and spoke to someone who had the same problem as me but had lost a lot of weight and kept it off. She was a walking example of what you can do if you want it bad enough.
We started talking on Facebook messenger (a great way to stay in touch with people on social media without getting sucked into their drama), and she was kind enough to share her journey with me. Her story was inspiring! She had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when she was 15 years old but didn’t let this stop her from living life fully until she reached 40 years old; at which point she decided that enough was enough and decided to lose weight again after having gained 20 pounds over the last 10 years.”
She gave me some good advice and I followed it religiously.
I was told not to eat too much sugar and fast food. This advice was great because I was able to avoid eating any of those foods, not just the ones that are high in calories. When you don’t eat them, your body will go into starvation mode and start burning off fat instead of storing it.
In the end, after all the hard work, I lost my first 30 pounds!
The journey to weight loss is a long one. You may lose the first 30 pounds, but you’ll still have to keep working hard and making changes in your life if you want to see lasting results.
In the end, after all the hard work, I lost my first 30 pounds!
You can lose weight!
You can lose weight! It’s not easy, but it is possible. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced dieter, there are many different ways to get started on your path to health and fitness. If you want to know how I lost weight in 8 weeks, read on:
- Work hard enough and be consistent with your workouts (and eating) so that the pounds start falling off naturally.
- Have a plan for what works best for your body type; this will help ensure success faster than just doing whatever comes into mind at any given time.
If these tips worked for me then they might work well for anyone else who wants some extra motivation when starting their journey toward better health!
I hope that you found this article helpful and that you dare to go after your goals. You can do it!